Thursday, February 12, 2009

Light Painting An Old fort

On Sunday night Kajo, Michelle, Gavin and I took advantage of the full moon and gorgeous Summer evening to head out to Middle Head Fort to do a bit of light painting.

It was a fun night, some of the others hadn't done any light painting before, so we kind of hung out as a group and mainly used my light to paint up a few different structures. It was interesting to see the different interpretation by the others of the same subject.

The Old Bunker
This old part of the fort was an interesting one for light painting because of all the angles and also the fact that it was raised up against the sky (most of the rest of the fort is recessed). I loved the steps leading up to the structure and when you lit these up from a low angle the light cast some cool shadows on the stairs.

So we all set up next to eachother and exposed our base image and then we started painting.
  • First we lit the stairs up from the bottom left
  • Then we lit the building from the top left
  • Then we shined the light out from inside
  • Then we fired some flashes with pink gel over them
  • Finally we painted the roof overhang with a surefire torch.

This was my first "building" that I have painted..... I think I'm going to do some more.



Toby said...

I dig how it turned out. Very sharp, and the lighting looks quite natural at first, but with enough cues to tip you off that something ain't right... goes great with the mood of the site.

Anonymous said...

Awesome location, thanks for taking us there, Brent. I had a great time!

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